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That the pandemic has changed our way of seeing the world is not something new. Since the entire world was paralyzed by COVID-19, our habits, customs and routines have changed or, better said, they have been transformed to adapt to the new times.


With the closure of physical stores in confinement, online sales are here to stay. And, as there is no time to fall asleep in the digital world, a new shopping model has arrived and aims to change the rules of the game of conventional ecommerce: Live Shopping is here.

What is Live Shopping?

From China comes the new trend in ecommerce called live shopping, an electronic commerce format where live broadcasts are the sales showcase for businesses that sell their products through social networks. Thus, in this new way of selling, the customer is part of the live broadcast, being able to interact in real time with the person or advertiser brand and make the purchase instantly with a single click. The future? No. The present.

It was Alibaba, one of the largest e-commerce companies in China, that kicked off live shopping with the launch of taobao live 2016 and thereby managed to generate large revenues almost in record time.

As collected The report of Statista, in China this form of sale has more and more users and it is expected that this trend will spread to Europe and the United States.

live shopping

One of the greatest examples of the success of this new trend is the event held by Chinese streamer Austin Li Jiaqi, a beauty and cosmetics influencer. The influencer was able to sell, thanks to his streaming, products worth 1.500 million euros during a single transmission. Of course, the transmission lasted 12 hours!

Although it may seem somewhat futuristic, the truth is that live shopping is a trend that more and more brands are implementing in their marketing strategies.

There are large companies that already have their own live shopping platform, as is the case with Amazon and its Amazon Live. However, this way of selling online has its audience on social networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Twitch and TikTok, which have already included the option of selling products through live video transmission in their apps.

impresión de pantalla de la interfaz de amazon live

What is Live Shopping?

Live shopping has advantages that adapt to the new behavior of users on the network and that is why it is so interesting. In addition, it improves engagement: streaming is the best way to connect with the consumer since there is direct contact with him and that makes us have his attention for longer. Another point in favor is that thanks to the live broadcast we improve our image and personalization.

Because of this, experts already see live shopping as a promising model where brands can increase their sales and brand power.

We don’t know if live shopping will take over the ecommerce field of the future, but we do know that it already has a niche among today’s consumers.

You want to know more? At PSS we are experts in ecommerce. If you want information about a digital project for your business, get in touch with us.

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