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The digital revolution does not stop. After the pandemic, the connection between people has taken on importance after seeing which without socializing, everything is a little sadder. In this scenario, the metaverse, a concept that is increasingly established in our day to day and that aims to be a complementary connection for socialization through virtual worlds and augmented reality.  

What is the metaverse?

At PSS we’re sure you’ve heard of this word, but what is the metaverse really?  

Metaverse means “beyond the universe”. Thus, physical reality remains in the background to reach a virtual space in which we can develop the common activities that we already know, such as those that we could only carry out in a universe in which barriers do not exist. 

Thus, the metaverse is a virtual and augmented reality in which we can play, socialize, fall in love (!) and even shop. Thus, the metaverse is not just a “game”, but a digital space in which, through an avatar, we unfold as in the “real world”, creating experiences and connections never seen before.  

Since Mark Zuckerberg introduced the metaverse, showing all the capacities and possibilities that this “new reality” brings with it, the term has been gaining strength and is no longer an unknown word: companies like Inditex already has released collections in the metaverse looking to carve out a niche in this virtual space. And it will not be the only one.  

Ecommerce and metaverse

In this new scenario, in which routines and customs are transferred to virtual reality, what role does ecommerce play? Both digital marketing and ecommerce take on a challenge never seen before, since their strategy must focus on a new ecosystem where everything is possible.  

Thus, the classic behavior of the consumer changes, the offer expands and new products such as NFTs enter. And they must not lose sight of the most important thing: their brand image is also important in this universe, since consumers will want to continue to feel that feeling of belonging also in the virtual world. Companies have no other option: to adapt to this change and fight to position themselves in this new digital scenario.  

What challenges are eCommerce facing with this arrival of the metaverse?

1- Expansion of the NFT’s market

Since we already talked about NFT’s in a previous article from our blog, the NFT’s are a real trend and the metaverse will be the way to project these contracts.  

2- Market of “virtual clothes”

Yes. Your avatar will have to dress up in the metaverse as well. Customizing your outfit with the clothes and accessories that you choose will be a way for ecommerce to grow in the digital world.  

3- Virtual art galleries

Artists can now digitize their works thanks to the blockchain. Being able to sell these works within the metaverse will be one of the jobs that eCommerce will have to accept. 

4- Brand image

Although we are talking about a digital space, brands must continue to invest in their brand image, which will have to take advantage of the new behavior of users in the metaverse.  

5- And, the most important

That the customer feels satisfied and enjoys the purchase. Although the scenario changes, it is important that eCommerce take their users into account within the metaverse to give them the best experience and a 100% secure purchase process to create loyalty.  


The metaverse might have been a dream in the past, but today it is already a reality. The digital revolution does not stop.  

And you, what do you think of this new reality? We read you! 

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